Discover the Power of HEALING...
Healing is a process of restoring or achieving a state of wholeness, well-being, and balance on various levels-physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It involves alleviating or resolving physical ailments, emotional distress, mental imbalances, and spiritual disconnection, ultimately promoting overall health and harmony.Explore our wide range of healing products designed to rejuvenate your body, calm your mind, and uplift your spirit. Experience the transformative power of healing and embark on a journey towards holistic well-being.
Discover the Power of HEALING...
Healing is a process of restoring or achieving a state of wholeness, well-being, and balance on various levels-physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It involves alleviating or resolving physical ailments, emotional distress, mental imbalances, and spiritual disconnection, ultimately promoting overall health and harmony.Explore our wide range of healing products designed to rejuvenate your body, calm your mind, and uplift your spirit. Experience the transformative power of healing and embark on a journey towards holistic well-being.
Healing Process...
Cho Ku Rei
This symbol is known as the Power Symbol. It is used to amplify the Reiki energy,increase its power, and provide protection. The symbol is depicted as a spiral or a coil.
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
This symbol is known as the Distance Symbol. It is used to send Reiki energy across time and space, allowing practitioners to perform distant healing sessions. The symbol is represented by a complex arrangement of lines and shapes. This symbol is known as the Power Symbol. It is used to amplify the Reiki energy, increase its power, and provide protection. The symbol is depicted as a spiral or a coil.
Sei He Ki
This symbol is known as the Mental/Emotional Symbol. It is used to address mental and
emotional healing, promote balance, and release emotional blockages. The symbol consists of three curved lines, often referred to as “waves.”