1. Sun (Surya)- King of the nine planets in astrology.
2. Moon (Chandra)- Queen among the nine planets in astrology.
3. Mars (Mangala)- Commander-in-chief of the nine planets in astrology.
4. Mercury (Budha)- Prince among the nine planets in astrology
5. Jupiter (Guru or Brihaspati)-Gaint and most powerful planet.
6. Venus (Shukra)- The Brightest planet.
7. Saturn (Shani)-Outermost planet among the nine planets in astrology
8. Rahu (North Node of the Moon)- Shadow planet.
9. Ketu (South Node of the Moon)- Shadow planet.
There are nine main planets (celestial bodies) or “grahas” that are considered significant in astrological interpretations. These nine grahas include:
In Vedic astrology, these grahas are believed to influence and govern various aspects of a person’s life and can have an impact on their personality, behavior, and life events. Each graha is associated with specific qualities, energies, and significations, and their positions at the time of a person’s birth are used to create a birth chart or “kundli,” which provides insights into the individual’s life and destiny. It’s important to note that Vedic astrology is a complex system that involves various factors beyond just the nine grahas, such as houses, signs, and planetary aspects.
The positions and relationships of these celestial bodies in a person’s birth chart are
analyzed by astrologers to provide guidance and predictions.
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